Who else could we give our little pieces of paper to? Is this just for homeless people?
I’m so glad you asked!
As I’ve been thinking about and working on this project, just going about my daily life, there have been at least 4 times in the past 2 weeks that I wish I had my pieces of paper with me (I just printed my first ones now). There have been people at work, an old friend I ran into while out shopping, and someone at church who I just could tell could have used a little extra love.
Although not my original intent, the answer to the question became obvious as God opened my eyes a little more, this is for everyone. If you have the love of Jesus in your heart, you will want to share it. I can’t think of a more simple and elegant way to not only break the ice, so to speak, but to actually reach out and offer to share a piece of yourself.
What I’m offering is just a business card, but it’s a card unlike any other. It’s a piece of our hearts. It’s a message, a personal message, and so much more. It says you care and you want the best for them. It may even be a first step to salvation and eternal life for someone.
Two very important things happen automatically as a part of this program.
1. If you believe in the Bible, then you believe in the power of prayer, it’s that simple. If you are a card carrying member of The Big James Project, You will be prayed for. Anyone you give a card to, They will be prayed for. It’s automatic. It’s part of the program. Everyone in the program is asked to pray for everyone in the program. I hope that turns out to be a lot of praying.
2. We are called to spread the gospel to everyone everywhere. Most of us have heard the message. Most of the people you know have heard the message, but… What if they haven’t? What if they did but need to hear it one just more time? What if it’s our job to make sure they do hear it? If you are like me, you want to share the message but sometimes it’s awkward.
Here’s something I haven’t mentioned yet, printed on the back of the business card is the simple ABC’s of salvation, the “Roman Road” if you’re familiar with that. So automatically, what we are doing is spreading the gospel, and making sure that all those who we love and care for, and all those homeless and under served that we reach out to, in at least some small way, receive the message of salvation.
Words on the back of a business card are just a small touch I know, and I’m not saying that’s all we should ever do, but it's something, and God’s Holy Spirit has the power to use whatever he wants to use to touch people’s hearts and bring them to salvation. Like I said, it’s not up to us. We do our part, and then God takes over.
So do reach out to the homeless and make new friends, but we won't forget our old friends too.
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