November 21, 2010

Big James Christmas Outreach Program

The Big James Christmas Project

I have been excited to introduce this Christmas project to you since we kicked off The Big James Project.

Everybody who has responded to Big James has a Big Heart, but we don’t always know how to put it into action, how to reach out, how to get started. I have a solution for us.

My family started doing this a few years ago when James was still a part of our lives. We wanted to get something special for him for Christmas, but we also wanted to take the opportunity to reach out to some others around our town also. I hope this blesses you and your family with lasting memories as it does for mine.

Take 2 plastic grocery bags and put 1 inside the other for double strength (free, strong, waterproof). Go to the Dollar Store, Wal-Mart, wherever - and get some warm socks, gloves, hat, small toothpaste & brush, moist wipes, razors, toilet paper, whatever you feel may be useful. Then grab some juice boxes or bottled drinks, combine with a can or two of beef stew (pop top cans), some cookies, pudding cups and plastic silverware. Be sure to add one of our Big James handouts and your Big James card (email me and I’ll get them right out to you), and one of those small Bibles. Finally create or buy a real nice Christmas card for them with a personal prayer. Throw it all in the bag, and put it in your trunk or back seat.

If you have kids or a spouse - work on this together, if not - do it with a friend. Get your church or group involved, tell them all to visit this site and become Big James’ers. Divide up the tasks if you choose, make it a family project. I suggest you make at least 3 gift bags, but you may find that 5 costs about the same. You can probably find 10 pairs of socks for less than 10.00 and put 2 in each bag for example. If you want, you can contact a local food charity for the food part, and you can probably make 5 complete gift bags for 20.00.

To have a big impact on a homeless person, and give them what may very well be the only present they will get for the entire season (think about that), this is all that is needed. It doesn’t have to be fancy at all. If you feel compelled to do more, I’m sure every bit will be appreciated.

Then, the fun part starts. Pick a good evening, or weekend day (daylight is a good idea if in unfamiliar territory – always remember rule #1 on Tips page), Pray First that God will lead you where he wants you, head out in your car with your friend or family (don’t go alone), and look for people wandering the streets or resting in the parks that look, well…. homeless. If you are uncomfortable approaching them, try saying “I’m with the Big James Homeless Outreach Project and I have a present for you – Merry Christmas” Believe it or not, this adds a level of credibility and trust that you may not achieve on your own. Refresh your memory of tips and ideas by visiting our “TIPS” page before you head out.

If the first time you do this you drop off the bag and leave running, it’ll be totally understood. It’s what’s in your heart that matters right? I encourage you though, on your second and subsequent meetings, to slow down a little, take a minute to ask them how they are doing where are they from, where do they go to church? etc. Let them know that you care by listening, and by all means let them know, “Hey, if you ever need to talk, my cell phone number is in the bag.”

I hope you discover that this can be the best tradition you’ll ever start for your family. Believe me, your impact on the world and on individuals cannot be measured merely by the initial meeting - if you have God in your heart and the Holy Spirit is in it.

If we can help you in any way, please email us. Even if you need us to mail you some complete gift bags, just ask, and we’ll try our best to get them to you in time for Christmas.

I would really love to hear from you about how this goes for you, please drop me an email or leave a comment on this posting below with your stories.

May God Bless you all and Merry Christmas!

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